Status |
Date |
Description |
filed |
2009-05-02 | HOL-001: U.S. provisional patent application #61/174,994, Title: Recreational ball |
filed |
2009-05-13 | HOL-002: U.S. provisional patent application #61/177,769, Title: Recreational ball with trainable camera |
filed |
2009-07-17 | HOL-003: U.S. provisional patent application #61/226,618, Title: Ball with camera and trajectory control for reconnaissance or recreation |
earliest priority filed issued |
2009-05-02 2010-05-01 2012-08-07 |
HOL-004: U.S. Patent 8,237,787 Title: Ball with camera and trajectory control for reconnaissance or recreation, filing date 05/01/2010 with priority to provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009 and 07/17/2009 Click here to download US Pat 8237787 in PDF format. |
earliest priority cn filed issued |
2009-05-02 2012-06-08 2013-07-02 |
HOL-005: U.S. Patent 8,477,184, Title: Ball with camera and trajectory control for reconnaissance or recreation, priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009 and 05/01/2010 |
filed issued |
2012-08-29 2013-09-24 |
HOL-006-D: U.S. Design Patent D690344, Title: Housing for a plurality of cameras |
earliest priority cip filed issued |
2009-05-02 2013-03-13 2015-09-29 |
HOL-007: U.S. Patent 9,144,714, Title: Ball with camera for reconnaissance or recreation and network for operating the same, priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010 and 06/08/2012 |
earliest priority cn filed issued |
2009-05-02 2013-05-04 2015-12-22 |
HOL-008: U.S. Patent 9,219,848, Title: Ball with camera for reconnaissance or recreation, filed with priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010 and 06/08/2012 |
earliest priority cip filed issued |
2009-05-02 2013-05-25 2016-01-12 |
HOL-009: U.S. Patent 9,237,317, Title: Throwable camera and network for operating the same, filed with priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010 and 06/08/2012 |
filed issued |
2013-12-09 2016-05-17 |
HOL-010: U.S. Patent 9,341,357, Title: Throwable light source and network for operating the same |
filed issued |
2014-12-24 2015-12-22 |
HOL-011-D: U.S. Design Patent D745,910, Title: Camera housing |
earliest priority cn filed issued |
2009-05-02 2015-08-14 2017-06-27 |
HOL-012: U.S. Patent 9,687,698, Title: Throwable cameras and network for operating the same, filed with priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010 and 06/08/2012 |
earliest priority cn filed issued |
2009-05-02 2015-10-15 2017-06-27 |
HOL-013: U.S. Patent 9,692,949, Title: Ball with trajectory control for reconnaissance or recreation, filed with priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010, 06/08/2012, 05/04/2013 |
filed issued |
2016-04-15 2018-05-29 |
HOL-015: U.S. Patent 9,983,460, Title: Throwable light source for synchronization with a camera and network for operating the same, filed with priority to non-provisional application (HOL-010) of 12/09/2013. |
filed issued |
2015-12-15 2018-11-13 |
HOL-014-D: U.S. Design Patent D833,503, Title: Spherical camera |
filed issued |
2017-05-12 2019-02-26 |
HOL-016: U.S. Patent 10,218,885, Title: Throwable cameras and network for operating the same, filed with priority to provisional and non-provisional applications of 05/02/2009, 05/13/2009, 07/17/2009, 05/01/2010, 06/08/2012, 05/04/2013, 10/15/2015 |
misc |
Company trademarks and proprietary IP Patent Prosecution: Rauschenbach |
2016 | New York Times PBS American Experience |
2012-09 | Slashgear TechHive Trendhunter TechNewsDaily derStandard TecMundo |
2011-10 | Vision Systems Design | |
2009-09 | Vision Systems Design |
Date |
Reference/Citation |
image: Jaunt Inc. (prototype) |
2014 | Spherical 360° camera by Jaunt Inc. |
image: Panono (prototype) |
2013-11-05 | U.S. Pat. 8,237,787 (Hollinger) cited in EPO/WIPO Examiner's Search Report (PDF), PCT patent application: Kamerasystem zur Aufnahme von Bildern und dazugehöriges Verfahren, Camera system for recording images, and associated system, WO2012149926 (A1), filing date 05/05/2011, applicant: Jonas Pfeil, Panono GmbH, Germany. For additional citations, see "Ballcamera" below. |
image: Bubl (prototype) |
2013 | Bubl camera by Bubl Technology Inc. (Canada) |
image: BallCam (prototype) |
2013-02-27 | U.S. Pat. 8,237,787 (Hollinger) cited in Vision Systems Design profile of BallCam, Researchers produce wide-angle video with ball camera, a project of Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) and the University of Electro-Communications (UEC; Tokyo, Japan) project team Kris Kitani (Carnegie Mellon), Kodai Horita (CMU), Hideki Sasaki (UEC), Professor Hideki Hoike of UEC. Click here to download CMU paper including citation (PDF) |
image: Bounce Imaging Explorer (prototype) |
2013-01-21 | U.S. Pat. 8,237,787 (Hollinger) and related product development cited in Boston Globe profile of Bounce Imaging (Boston, MA), Camera-ball helps keep emergency responders safe, Globe Staff Reporter Hiawatha Bray, Click here to download (PDF) |
2012-11-08 | U.S. Pat. 8,237,787 (Hollinger) cited in EPO/WIPO Examiner's Search Report (PDF), PCT patent application: Kamerasystem zur Aufnahme von Bildern und dazugehöriges Verfahren, Camera system for recording images, and associated system, WO2012149926 (A1), filing date 05/05/2011, publication date: 11/08/2012, patent status: pending, applicant: Jonas Pfeil, "ballcamera / wurfkamera," Panospective GmbH, Germany | |
2012-10-18 | U.S. Pat. 8,237,787 (Hollinger) cited in PCT application, Camera device with reduced size, applicant: Tsutomu Totani, Japan, assignee: Beat Sonic Co. Ltd., 2012/0263450 (A1), filing date 04/12/2012, priority date 04/18/2011, publication date 10/18/12, patent status: pending | |
image: CTRUS by Agent (conceptual) |
2010 | CTRUS by Alberto Villarreal, Agent (Mexico) airless soccer ball with position detection system. |
Date |
Technology |
image: Ricoh Theta (prototype) |
2013 | Theta by Ricoh (Japan) 360-degree camera. First consumer camera (MSRP < 1000$US) capable of capturing full spherical panoramic images. |
image: Intel Fireball (prototype) |
2011 | Fireball by Intel (USA) throwable sensor grenade and wireless iPhone app. | ||||
image: PicoRover (prototype) |
2010 | PicoRover from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) counterweight-driven rolling camera ball. | ||||
image: ODF Eye Ball R1 (commercial unit) |
2006 |
Distributed in the USA by Remington (2006-2013), the Eye Ball R1 is a low-cost throwable camera for military, law enforcement and first responder applications. 2013 Update: ODF Optronics Ltd. (Israel) acquired by Mistral Group (Bethesda, MD). |
image: Flee (conceptual) |
2009 | Flee by Hakan Bogazpinar (Turkey) throwable camera cited as prior art in U.S. Patent #8,237,787 (Hollinger) and parent applications. | ||||
image: Triops (conceptual) |
2007 | Triops throwable camera by Franziska Faoro (The Netherlands). | ||||
image: Satugo (conceptual) |
2006 | Satugo by Eschel Jacobsen and Mads Ny Larsen (Denmark) throwable ball camera cited as prior art in U.S. Patent #8,237,787 (Hollinger) and parent applications. | ||||
image: Dodeca |
2004 | Immersive Media develops all-digital spherical camera. Immersive Media Haiti 360 Camera (c. 2010): 360-degree spherical panoramas from the rubble of the Haiti earthquake premiere on CNN International in January 2010, captured by compact portable Dodeca 2360 (Haiti 360) 360° spherical camera. More info here. 2011 Update: Immersive Media acquired by Immersive Ventures. |